
Language impacts the daily lives of members of any race, creed, and region of the world. It helps express our feelings, desires, and queries to the world around us.

The unique and diverse methods in the written and spoken language used by human beings to communicate is a large part of what allows us to harness our innate ability to form lasting bonds with one another; separating mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom.

In order to prepare our nation’s children to be the next generation of future entrepreneurs, doctors, scientists, engineers, or whatever influential job they choose, we must foster an environment from a young age that promotes multilingual learning.

Language maintains and conveys culture and cultural ties, leading to shape an individual’s identity and personality, and that is intricately related to culture. In teaching and learning processes, a language school should respect the cultural background of language usage, adopt appropriate teaching styles, uphold policies to create awareness, promotes understandings of cultural differences; and explores culturally based linguistic similarities and differences.

While teaching modern languages, the school helps students to discover the rich tapestry of Europe and beyond through their customs and traditions, languages, histories, music, art, literature, folklore, cuisine, and sports to bring life in the classroom.

It also provides a comprehensive picture and insightful knowledge of the European communities with an emphasis on Ireland, a resourceful and culturally vibrant country, to help them flourish in their life and career.

Prudence upholds the concepts and that set up the School of Languages and Cultures to improve language skills while enabling its student to correctly ascertain the proper uses and causation of language idiosyncrasies.

The school offers advanced  English Courses to fulfill ever-increasing needs across institutions, industries, and enterprises. However, it is open to offering other global languages such as French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

The English Courses are aiming to strengthen student’s intercultural communication, enrich knowledge, and develop research skills to a very high standard.

These results students equip in language proficiency required for jobs in the education, tourism, translation, heritage, technology, and global business sectors. Besides, it is committed to making proper use of their established/proven educational entrepreneurs and experienced faculty members in place to produce high-quality professionals

Find out our English Courses